Monday, August 21, 2006

Networking in Bulk

I have found a few ways to get information out to a numerous amount of people at one time.

1. Parades- In my home town especially during the fall season there are many parades with people lined up for miles to check out what you have to offer. The children are waiting for the candy and the women and men are waiting on your free samples and information.

Some parades have a small fee while others are absolutely free! Prizes are usually given away for the best entry in several categories. Decorate that Minivan so it draws attention to the crowd and judges.

Make your handouts small enough to fit in a purse or back pocket. Viewers will normally be attending the festival after the parade and won't want to carry large bulky items or paper.

Get attention not only with the minivan but with your handout too. Make it so they want to look it up later. I have seen many 81/2 X 11 papers on the ground after the parade so keep the paper small with eye catching info.

2. Parking Lots- Walmart, Malls, Concerts, have cars screaming for you to attach a flyer to the windshield. Again make the prospect want to keep the flyer for later use at home. Where are cars lined up in your neighborhood?

3. Daycares/Preschools- Recently I had a member in the organization I'm with develop a coloring page for children. I have asked daycares to give this page to all their children.
This week I will be dropping off 350 pages with my contact information. I think children and women are a great way to get the word out the adults.

4. Halloween- Drop that candy in the bag plus a gift for mom or dad! You may not get alot of trick or treaters in your area. I have to go to my churches Trunk or Treat and pass out candy which draws over 300 children.

OK So if anyone has any other brilliant ways to pass out their info in bulk, please share it with me.


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